01.09.2015.01.01.2016.01.04.2016.19.08.2016.01.10.2016.dec. 08
ResultResultRef.intervalResultRef. intervalResultGraniceResultGraniceResultGranice
S-Natrium141141137 - 145nmol/l141137 - 145nmol/l139135 - 148 mmol/L
S-Calium4.74.73,6 - 5 mmol/l53,6 - 5 mmol/l4.423,5 - 5,3 mmol/L
S-Calsium 2.332.332,15 - 2,51| mmol/l2.282,15 - 2,51| mmol/l2.542,15 - 2,5 mmpl/L
Jonizovani kalcijum1.221,12 - 132 mmol/L
S-Albumin4036 - 483936 - 4850.135-52 g/L
S-Phosphate 1.070,85-1,50 mmol/l1.070,85-1,50 mmol/l1.070,84-1,45 mmol/l
P-Homocystein10.19.45 - 12 0 μmol/L
Methylmalonsyre 0.21
UIBC37.727,8 - 53,7 umol/L
Creatinine616445-90 umol/l6245-90 umol/l7144 - 80 μmol/L
eGFR (CKD-EPI)113108> 60 ml/min
S-Cortisol 346257138-690
Morning (6-10h)14.120 - 20
Afternoon (16-20h)2.320 - 6.94
Evening (23.30 - 00.30)3.230 - 7.56
Biochemical parameters
Iodine -24h urine186120-500 μg/24h
Calijum - urine 24h66.22,2-120,0 mmol/24h
Magnesium - urine4.62,50-8,50 mmol/24 h
Non organic phosphate - urine 24h13.412,9-42,0 mmol/24h
Blood Panel
Leukocytes7.66.43,5 - 10 x10^9/l5.294,0-10,0 x10^9/l6.93,5 - 106.33,5 - 104.54,0-10,0 x10^9/l
Erythrocytes4.413,50-4,80 x10^12/l4.53,50-4,80 x10^12/l
Heamoglobin 12.512.611,7-15,3 g/100 ml126120-160 g/l12.311,7-15,3 13.111,7-15,3 133120-160 g/l
Haematocrit0.3980,350-0,470 L/l0.4030,350-0,470 L/l
MCV90.280-100 fl89.680-100 fl
MCH 28.627-31 pg29.627-31 pg
MCHC 317280-370 g/l330280-370 g/l
Platelets246140-450 x10^9/l260140-450 x10^9/l
Leukocytes formula
Granulocytes4643,0-65,0 %61.643,0-65,0 %
Lymphocyte2.41,10 - 3,344.620,5-46,5 %2.61,10 - 3,330.220,5-46,5 %
Trombocyte 270165 - 387248165 - 387
Monocyte0.50,2 - 0,8 61,5-11,7 %0.60,2 - 0,86.21,5-11,7 %
Eosinophil0.14< 0.430,5-8,0 %0.12< 0.41.80,5-8,0 %
Basophil0< 0.20.40,2-2,0 %0< 0.20.20,2-2,0 %
LUC 00-4 %00-4 %
Stool test - parasites Negativ
Stool test - bacterias Negativ
Stool test - fungus Negativ
General panel
Iron2014.19 - 34 μmol/l18.195,83-34,5 μmol/l16.39 - 34 μmol/l17.155,83-34,5 μmol/l
Glucose5.183,33-6,10 mmol/l5.093,33-6,10 mmol/l
Urea - serum6.12,6 - 6,4 mmol/l52,8-7,2 mmol/l6.12,6 - 6,4 mmol/l4.62,8-7,2 mmol/l
Creatinine - serum6445 - 90 μmol/l6844-80 μmol/l6945 - 90 μmol/l7144-80 μmol/l
Bilirubin-Total9< 26 mmol/l12.35,0-21,0 μmol/l9< 26 mmol/l10.95,0-21,0 μmol/l
Cholesterol5.25.63,3 - 6,9 mmol/l5.50,00-5,00 mmol/l5.63,3 - 6,9 mmol/l5.320,00-5,00 mmol/l
HDL cholesterol1.61.61 - 2,7 mmol/l1.84>1,55 mmol/l1.61 - 2,7 mmol/l1.76>1,55 mmol/l
LDL cholesterol3.23.41,4- 4.7 mmol/l3.410,00-2,503.41,4- 4.7 mmol/l3.160,00-2,50
Triglycerides0.96< 2.6 mmol/L0.55/-<1,70 mmol/l0.96< 2.6 mmol/L0.89/-<1,70 mmol/l
ALT(SGPT) - alat1618< 45 U/l158,0-41,0 U/l18< 4522< 45158,0-41,0 U/l
AST(SGOT) - asat22< 35 U/l210-31 U/l22< 35210-31 U/l
ALP34< 105 U/l3530-120 U/l3630-120 U/l3730-120 U/l
Gama-GT11< 45 U/l110-38 U/l11< 45 U/l9< 45 U/l120-38 U/l
Blood Chemistry Panel
S-Selen-Serum/Plazma ## AAS 9750-120 μg/L9750-120 μg/L
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate100-10170-10
C- Reactive protein (CRP) 0.50,0-5,0 mg/L0.60,0-5,0 mg/L
hs-CRP # 0.430,00-5,00 mg/l0.550,00-5,00 mg/l
HbA1C (glykohemoglobin)5.24.54,0-6,2 %54,0-6,2 %
S-Magnesium0.770,71 - 0.94 mmol/l0.790,65-1,05 mmol/L0.810,71 - 0.94 mmol/l0.80,65-1,05 mmol/L
Caeruloplasmin0.250,20-0,60 g/l0.280,20-0,60 g/l
H. pylori breath testNegativ
Copper - serum ## PHOT 1000850-1550 μg/L1000850-1550 μg/L
Zinc - serum11.79,2-18,4 μmol/L11.49,2-18,4 μmol/L
Tumor markers
CEA < 0.6< 5 ng/l0.860,0-3,80 ng/ml< 0.6< 5 ng/l1.250,0-3,80 ng/ml
Feritin 75113.213,00-150,00 ng/ml11215-200104.713,00-150,00 ng/ml
DHEA-S (Dehidroepiandrosteron sulfat) 141.3 0- 337 μg/dl
Insulin5.66,0-27,0 uIU/ml6.16,0-27,0 uIU/ml
FT34.34.23,5-6,9 pmol/l4.093,10-6,80 pmol/l4.83,5-6,5 pmol/l4.13,5-6,5 pmol/l4.393,10-6,80 pmol/l
FT415.716.411 - 23 pmol/l17.5412,00-22,0 pmol/l18.411 - 23 pmol/l179,5 - 2216.612,00-22,0 pmol/l
TSH0.941.8< 51.580,40-4,00 μIU/ml1.80,20-4,00 μIU/ml2.050,40-4,50 μIU/ml1.010,40-4,00 μIU/ml
S-Leptin20.82,43 - 28 ng/ml
S-Testosterone1.1< 3 nmol/L1.1< 3 nmol/L
S-Progesterone< 3< 3 nmol/L< 3< 3 nmol/L
S-Estradiol0.64> 0,10 nmol/L0.64> 0,10 nmol/L
S-Prolactin319< 700 mU/L319< 700 mU/L464< 700 mU/L
S-CK54< 21054< 210
S-LD158< 205158< 205
S-LH 7< 17 U/L 7< 17 U/L 9< 17 U/L
S-Lp(a)133< 250133< 250
S-FSH4< 12 U/L4< 12 U/L4.6< 12 U/L
S-TRAS< 0.8< 1 U/L0.8< 1 U/L
Imuno parameters
Auto-antibodies (IgG) to TPO (AMC) = Anti-TPO> 1300 > 1300 < 100 kU/L 127.30,0-10,0 IU/ml701< 100 kU/L 96< 33117.30,0-10,0 IU/ml
Auto-antibodies (IgG) to tireoglobulinu (ATG) = TgAb19.350,0-25,3 IU/ml23.460,0-25,3 IU/ml
IgE23.120,0-100 IU/ml
Vitamin A (Retinol)2.7> 0,72.7> 0,7479200-1200 μg/L
Vitamin B6 (Piridoksal Fosfat) ## HPLC 555,0-30,0 μg/L315,0-30,0 μg/L
Vitamin D
1,25-Dihydroxy-Vitamin D ## CLIA 6925-86,5 ng/l6225-86,5 ng/l
Vitamin D (25(OH)D3; 25(OH)D2)506750 -150 nmol/l11875,0-250,010950 -150 nmol/l101.175,0-250,0
Folic acid (Vitamin B9) Folat27.528.8> 5.7 nmol/l27.42 6-39 nmol/l30.1> 5.7 nmol/l37.24 6-39 nmol/l
Vitamin B12225289170-650563.6191-663 pg/ml328170-650620.7191-663 pg/ml